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Boy Friendly Training

Here are just two options of training  on offer: Tailoring to meet need is always possible.

An outline of my Boys’ Achievement One Day Course

Section 1 Boys are from Mars!

Issues deriving from Nature and Nurture

The National Achievement Picture

Section 2   Signs and symptoms of disaffection

Rhinos, Fiddlers, Rock ‘n’ Rollers and Terminators and what to do with them

A light-hearted look at some patterns of boy behaviour with some strategies.

Section 3 Securing Boys’ Involvement 

 Reflecting on practice. Hopefully delegates will feel secure enough to look at some lessons that have gone wrong and analyse weak spots.

Positive Role Models

Engaging Fathers

Using Assessment and Competition to encourage engagement

Section 4  Supporting Boys’ Learning

Barriers to boys’ learning.

The One Day Writing Workshop

This can be done directly with pupils or as staff training for implementation by themselves.


The day aims to enable groups of pupils in a collaborative and supportive way, to think through texts and to begin to produce writing of which they can be proud. It can cover both fiction creation and research skills for non-fiction writing, and uses drama as a key tool.

For more information about accessing my training, click here.

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